When PIXTA Inc. was established in 2005, we noticed that there was a large number of talented amateur photographer not being discovered around the world, and this inspired us to start PIXTA to share their talents with the world. Ever since, we have worked on making the world a “flat” place where anybody can share his or her talent. However, if we take a moment we can see that a lot of talents in other fields are still not being discovered. Therefore, we have decided to establish other online creative platforms for various fields where anybody can promote his or her talents, and this, we believe, enables us to deliver countless undiscovered talents to the world and connect them to the right people. As a result, this will help those talented people feel needed and accepted. Not only that, it will allow others the opportunity to encounter talents around the world. With the countless opportunities and positive aspects we can provide, our hope is to make the world a more positive place, and this, we believe, is our mission.
Annotated Imagery Data | AI Training Data| Face ID + 106 key points facial landmark images | 30,000 Stock Images
1. Overview This dataset is a collection of 30,000+ images of Face ID + 106 key points facial landmark that are ready to use for optimizing the accuracy of computer vision models. Images in the dataset includes People image with specific requirements as follow: - Age: above 20 - Race: various - Angle: no more than 90 degree All of the contents is sourced from PIXTA's stock library of 100M+ Asian-featured images and videos. 2. Annotated Imagery Data of Face ID + 106 key points facial landmark This dataset contains 30,000+ images of Face ID + 106 key points facial landmark. The dataset has been annotated in - face bounding box, Attribute of race, gender, age, skin tone and 106 keypoints facial landmark. Each data set is supported by both AI and human review process to ensure labelling consistency and accuracy. 3. About PIXTA PIXTASTOCK is the largest Asian-featured stock platform providing data, contents, tools and services since 2005. PIXTA experiences 15 years of integrating advanced AI technology in managing, curating, processing over 100M visual materials and serving global leading brands for their creative and data demands.
Pixta AI | Annotated Imagery Data |AI Training Data| Human wearing a mask images | 10,000 Stock Images
1. Overview This dataset is a collection of 10,000+ images of Human wearing a mask in multiple scenes that are ready to use for optimizing the accuracy of computer vision models. All of the contents is sourced from PIXTA's stock library of 100M+ Asian-featured images and videos. PIXTA is the largest platform of visual materials in the Asia Pacific region offering fully-managed services, high quality contents and data, and powerful tools for businesses & organisations to enable their creative and machine learning projects. 2. Annotated Imagery Data of car Human wearing a mask This dataset contains 10,000+ images of Human wearing a mask. The dataset has been annotated in face bounding box, body bounding box and attribute of mask, wheelchair, stroller, umbrella, suitcase, bag, backpack, laptop, cellphone, hat, suits, glasses/sunglasses 3. About PIXTA PIXTASTOCK is the largest Asian-featured stock platform providing data, contents, tools and services since 2005. PIXTA experiences 15 years of integrating advanced AI technology in managing, curating, processing over 100M visual materials and serving global leading brands for their creative and data demands.
Pixta AI | Annotated Imagery Data | AI Training Data| Human full body images | 50,000 Stock Images
1. Overview This dataset is a collection of 50,000+ images of Human full body with multiple attributes that are ready to use for optimizing the accuracy of computer vision models. All of the contents is sourced from PIXTA's stock library of 100M+ Asian-featured images and videos. PIXTA is the largest platform of visual materials in the Asia Pacific region offering fully-managed services, high quality contents and data, and powerful tools for businesses & organisations to enable their creative and machine learning projects. 2. Annotated Imagery Data of human in full body images This dataset contains 50,000+ images of human in full body. The dataset has been annotated in face bounding box face, body bounding box and Attribute of mask, wheelchair, stroller, umbrella, suitcase, bag, backpack, laptop, cellphone,... 3. About PIXTA PIXTASTOCK is the largest Asian-featured stock platform providing data, contents, tools and services since 2005. PIXTA experiences 15 years of integrating advanced AI technology in managing, curating, processing over 100M visual materials and serving global leading brands for their creative and data demands.
Object Detection Data| AI Training Data| E-commerce apparel dataset | 10,000 Stock Images
1. Overview This dataset is a collection of 10,000+ images of E-commerce apparel dataset that are ready to use for optimizing the accuracy of computer vision models. All of the contents is sourced from PIXTA's stock library of 100M+ Asian-featured images and videos. PIXTA is the largest platform of visual materials in the Asia Pacific region offering fully-managed services, high quality contents and data, and powerful tools for businesses & organisations to enable their creative and machine learning projects. 2. Annotated Imagery Data of car images This dataset contains 10,000+ images of E-commerce apparel dataset. Each data set is supported by both AI and human review process to ensure labelling consistency and accuracy. 3. About PIXTA PIXTASTOCK is the largest Asian-featured stock platform providing data, contents, tools and services since 2005. PIXTA experiences 15 years of integrating advanced AI technology in managing, curating, processing over 100M visual materials and serving global leading brands for their creative and data demands.